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All of the Star Wars: Episode One
The Phantom Menace
sounds are sampled at
22kHz Stereo.

Thanks to my best friend, Mike Carter, for providing these sounds!
  And thanks to the folks at
for the wonderful background.


Note to all webmasters:  Due to the overwhelming popularity of these sounds, DO NOT ATTEMPT to link directly to the sounds located on the server.  You are free to download them and place them on your own servers, BUT YOU MAY NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES LINK DIRECTLY TO THE SOUND FILES LOCATED ON THIS SERVER!

3poships.wav (153K) Save to Online Drive

C3po: They will never get me on one of those dreadful starships!  (R2D2 squeaks in the background)

always2.wav(191K) Save to Online Drive

Yoda: Always two...There are a master and an apprentice.

balance.wav(249K) Save to Online Drive

Mace Windu: You refer to the prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the force...You believe it's this boy?

battlewin.wav(263K) Save to Online Drive

Panaka: This is a battle I do not think we can win!

committee.wav(226K) Save to Online Drive

Queen Amidala: I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!

contact.wav(78K) Save to Online Drive

Sio Bibble: You must contact me!!

control.wav(181K) Save to Online Drive

Sen. Palpatine: I think we are going to have to accept Federation control for the time being.

dangerous.wav(191K) Save to Online Drive

Obi-Wan Kenobi: The boy is dangerous!   They all sense it, why can't you?

deathtoll.wav(258K) Save to Online Drive

Sio Bibble?: The death toll is catastrophic!
Queen Amidala: Our people are dying, Senator.  We must do something quickly!

eversee.wav(63K) Save to Online Drive

Anakin Skywalker: Will I ever see you again?

gonnadie.wav(69K) Save to Online Drive

Jar Jar Binks: You say people gonna die?

invasion.wav(200K) Save to Online Drive

Sio Bibble: A communications disruption can only mean one thing...invasion!

killstay.wav(153K) Save to Online Drive

Qui-Gon Jinn: There is something else behind all this, your highness.  They will kill you if you stay.

landing.wav(77K) Save to Online Drive

Darth Sidious: Begin landing your troops!

leadwar.wav(124K) Save to Online Drive

Queen Amidala: I will not condone a course of action which will lead us to war!

meet.wav(153K) Save to Online Drive

Qui-Gon Jinn: Anakin Skywalker, meet Obi-Wan Kenobi.

muchfear.wav(97K) Save to Online Drive

Yoda: I sense much fear in you!

muchtime.wav(53K) Save to Online Drive

Obi-Wan Kenobi: We haven't much time!

onlyprotect.wav(167K) Save to Online Drive

Qui-Gon Jinn: I can only protect you...I can't fight a war for you.

revenge.wav(270K) Save to Online Drive

Darth Maul: At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi....At last we will have revenge!

surface.wav(177K) Save to Online Drive

Obi-Wan Kenobi: Once those droids take control of the surface, they will take control of you!

toofar.wav(64K) Save to Online Drive

Queen Amidala: The Federation has gone too far!

treaty.wav(74K) Save to Online Drive

Queen Amidala: I will sign no treaty, Senator!

wipeall.wav(134K) Save to Online Drive
(This makes a great Empty Recycle Bin Sound)

Darth Sidious: Wipe them out!  All of them!



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The Movie Sounds Page is maintained by Tony W. Wittrien